Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Road to Recovery's been 21 days since my surgery, 18 days since I found out no radiation, 17 days since I got my drains removed, 14 days since my post-op with my plastic surgeon and he said all is well, 9 days since my post-op with my surgeon and again he said it all looked good and 1 week that I have been anxiously awaiting my next doctor's appointment.  You might think I'm crazy...Lord knows my husband thinks I am.  What gets this lady going is not knowing or being constantly reassured that my body is healing correctly and that all of the weird pains, numbness, cramping, etc. is NORMAL!  I know I should totally trust my P.E. teacher husband's diagnosis and prognosis of my pain and feelings. After all, he did take a lot of science courses in college.  Right now, all this lady wants is to go to the doctor and get the words from their mouth saying, "oohh, aahhh, do this", or "I see this might be bothering you, let's see if this will help" or "you can stop worrying, Amy.  Everything looks great!" Those would be words to my ears that would sooth my worrying mind.  I'm convinced that's why doctor's get paid the big bucks....they know what we want to hear and even if it isn't great news, it is a step in the right direction. I am incredibly grateful for that.

 Okay, enough babbling about my last week of no appointments and on with how we are spending our time healing.  Although this time should be spent relaxing and enjoying some freedom, we have managed to keep it as busy as possible because "hey, you never know when we will get time to finish my honey-do list (wink, wink)."  Poor Brent!  I don't think the man has had a moment of rest for the past seven days.  If he wasn't laying flooring for his wife, he was golfing (not so bad),  he was taxiing our family from here to there, to t-ball games, to playdates, to the pool, etc.  That's right, I said laying flooring....isn't that what all cancer patients dream of doing on their week off from doctor's appointments?  I'm pretty sure the Mr. didn't sign up for this job, but boy did he do amazing work.  Honey, I love the floor and cannot thank you enough for finishing it up before Christmas...oh wait that's how I do home projects.  I, on the other hand, did a great job of handing out demands, resting (one large perk to this recovery stage), attending play dates and pool dates all for the socialization of my children (ha!), shuttling my children from one place to another, and desperately searching for clothing that is comfy and loose.  This is me preparing for my huge chest...ha ha!  No thank you!
Well, I am currently awaiting my next  appointment on Monday to get these expanders expanding...if you know what I mean.  I feel a little excited, but super, crazy nervous because let's face it...this body hasn't ever seen anything large in the area of my chest...except for at a Halloween Party quite a few years back...good times at the Hilim's house.  I believe we went as Captain Underpants and my made-up character Mistress Under wire...bummer for you...I can't find a picture any where...good for Brent and I.

On Thursday, we have THEE appointment with my oncologist, Dr. Medgysey.  This, my friends, is the big daddy of appointments.  This one is when I find out my chances of needing chemotherapy.  This one is where I show breast cancer who is BOSS!  Until then.....


  1. You will show it you are a Boss!!! I may be a tad bit prejudice, but you are truly one of the most amazing ladies I have meet in my whole life. You just have that ability to light up a person's life by just being in it. A person that shines as bright as you do is gonna kick this in the butt super fast!!! Love you!!!


  2. Hi Amy,

    You don't know us but my daughter just finished 2nd grade at Zach. Her first year at Zach I remember seeing you as the crossing guard for Kechter. I thought what a nice volunteer Mom to go out there every morning and afternoon with a big smile on her face no matter how miserable the weather was. I was even more amazed when I found out you were a teacher and you were still so happy and friendly, greeting all the parents and children after spending all day with your first grade kiddos! You have inspired me to try and be a bit more positive and smile a bit more no matter what kind of a day I've had or am about to have (or no matter how cold the weather is)! My daughter and I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. Your positive attitude is catching. You are one strong lady and will kick this and continue to dance in the rain. Hugs and prayers to you and your family.
    Sharon ( your friend from down under)
