Monday, June 10, 2013


In preparation for my surgery day, I had my family over for dinner.  It was a great way for me to see and talk with everyone.  The night before, I prepared my suitcase and most importantly packed a picture of my babies, knowing that it would be the happy place for me to go in times of pain.  The morning of surgery came oh so early and I was sure to call my bestie, Ann Marie, as well as, my sister, Shauna, whom I couldn’t wait to see after my surgery.  I can’t forget my discussion and amazing text from my buddy, Kevin.  This text was sent with intentions of being read on the morning of my surgery as soon as I woke up to deter my mind from fear and negativity.  This message helped me focus on only the positive thoughts and blessings I have in my life.  It did just that, so a humongous thank-you to Kevin. 

As I was getting ready to leave for the hospital, I went to see my sweet babies sound asleep in their beds.  I went into Rylan’s bedroom, kissed him a couple million times and told him I loved him.  To my surprise, he woke up long enough to give me a big squeeze, a smooch, and to say, “I love you, Mommy.”  I continued to go into my daughter, Payton’s bedroom, kissed her another couple million times, and told her I loved her.  Again, she woke up to say, “I love you so much, Mommy and I will see you after your surgery.”  Now as typical as this may seem for most children, we are not “morning people” so the pure fact that my children didn’t wake up screaming and throwing fitskies, is a pure miracle on its own.

As I arrived at the Surgical Center at PVH, I was greeted by my Dad (the earliest riser I have ever known), and my mom-in-love (a borrowed term that fits her perfectly) Juli.  She was so sweet to wear her fluorescent pink pedicure that I can’t help but give her a hard time about and her pink kisses purse just for me.  I am loved!  I shared one of my favorite songs with my entourage, Keith Urban’s new single “A Little Bit of Everything”, which I was quickly reprimanded by the sergeant Brent that there was a cellphone silencing sign posted on several walls in the waiting room.  Didn’t stop me!  Love that song and Keith Urban…its okay, Brent knows I have a crush.

Soon they took Brent and I back to get me prepped and the anxiety started to elevate, but then things happened so quickly, that I didn’t have a chance to go through with an entire attack.  Lucky them!  Brent can always sense when the anxiety is running high so he held my hand the whole time and continued to ask all the questions that I couldn’t focus on because I was trying to keep my head on straight.  I remember having so many people, doctors, nurses, questions, thoughts, and business going on that my mind was a blur.  I think the last thing I remember before they took me back was a prayer from Pastor Scott Kissel.  I closed my eyes, listened to the blessings that he spoke of, and thanked the dear Lord for surrounding me with everyone, with love, with happiness, and the most incredible blessings I could have ever dreamed of having.

I went back for surgery and the dream team did their thang.  I don’t remember a lick.  This means that the Anesthesiologists did a phenomenal job and I want to thank Dr. Fife for coming in to assist and checking on me several times during recovery.  If he only knew how reassuring that was for me.  Now, about that dream team,  Dr. Dickinson was in charge of removing the nasties from my body along with the defective pair of breasts (good riddens).   Oh yeah, and my pregnancy with my sweet son left me with an umbilical hernia that was corrected at the same time.  I figure, go in and fix it all while my deductible is met, right?  Then came Dr. Boustred’s part.  He got the pleasure of inserting tissue expanders and making sure the new pair was going to look decent.  I say decent because let’s not kid ourselves. 

As far as I knew, it took about 15 minutes and all I wanted was my husband.  What a baby, right?  No seriously, all I wanted was to see Brent, who was sitting in the waiting room with my family for 5 hours, while making sure  family and friends were being updated on the surgery through text messages.  What is wrong with me?  Yes, I adore my husband more than anyone knows. They finally rolled me up to my room and the first face I saw was my husband’s, which made my day.  I also have a few apologies to make.  There was a young man pushing my bed that was wearing a Chicago Bear’s lanyard and let’s just say I didn’t let him live it down for being a Bear’s fan.  Then there was my request for an upgrade in rooms, and well, I was on a roll.  Brent couldn’t keep up with my silly requests, humor, embarrassment, etc.  I ended up staying in the hospital for two nights to make sure that my sensitive tummy could handle the meds, but my healing was going great and quickly according to the nurses and doctors. 

Best part of the whole stay was the BACON, my visitors, and the enormous amount of flowers that arrived.  Just for the books, my nurse said I was an excellent patient and asked for a visit when I’m feeling better.  I love you too, Angela. 

Overall, the whole experience at PVH was a tremendous success, blessed with amazing doctors and nurses, and a comfortable stay. I only attempted to pass out a couple of times…had to keep the peeps on their toes.  More to come on the recovery soon…….


  1. Still thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery! Hugs from the Fishers

  2. so glad to hear it went well and now you're on the mend! and let it be known that pvh is like the ritz compared to any california hospitals.

  3. Great to hear things are going well and you are on the mend. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs Sharon (Brown)

  4. Great to hear you are continuing your positive attitude on your road to awesome! You are in our prayers! Maelyn wants you to know she misses you and your silliness!

  5. Hey there, Amy! Nice to know that you had a successful surgery and that you never encountered any inconvenience along the way. How are you now? Hope you were able to recover faster than expected. Surgeries are there to give people a chance to improve how their body looks and functions.

    Alejandro Quiroz@ CosMedClinic
